GRS - A Trusted Partner with SRI Executive

Global Resume

How It Works

1. Choose a service (see below)

Below are a list of services you can choose from. It is recommended that you begin by having your résumé reviewed by clicking on Résumé Build & Critique below. If you have had a review in the last year, one of the other services is a great next step in your employment journey.

2. Schedule a Session:

A Coach will contact you within one business day to confirm a time and date for your session.

3. Prepare:

If you have requested a video session, please test your connection and log in a few minutes early. If this is a phone session, we will call you at your confirmed time. Either way, we can't wait to assist you!

résumé/CV critique session

Résumé/CV critique session

  Price: $10.00  

Résumé/CV enhancement training session

Résumé/CV enhancement

training session

Price: $80.00

job search training session

job search training session 

Price: $80.00

coaching session

Coaching session

Price: $100.00